Luke Kaa-Morgan (Tainui Āwhiro, Ngāti Tahinga, Pākehā) is Te Pouarataki mō te hīkoi —Treaty guide.
Please pray with me that our Hui ā Māori 2024 will be a time of encouragement for Baptist Māori.
Our agenda is very full, and together we will prayerfully engage in koorero and waananga as we navigate through some significant kaupapa. Would you also reach out to Māori in your contexts so they are aware of this upcoming hui?
We look forward to new opportunities and engaging with the next chapter of our Baptist Māori story. We urge you to prayerfully prioritise this hui and join us for this significant time in our Baptist movement.
There is no greater time than now to be unified as Māori.
WHEN: From 3pm, Friday 12 July - 11:30am, Sunday 14 July.
WHERE: Te Whetū o te Rangi marae, 612 Welcome Bay Road, Welcome Bay, Tauranga, 3175.
Below is the link to the first of several documents we encourage you to read before attending hui.
The Baptist Union Governance and Constitution Review Discussion Document
Code: baptist1923
Image: Te Whetū o te Rangi Marae, Welcome Bay, Tauranga, 1988-89
Photographer: Brad Burch. Reproduced with the kind permission of Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries. Photo 20-409.