The 240 Baptist churches, fellowships, and faith communties here in Aotearoa New Zealand welcome you to the Baptist whānau. This page has some helpful information about the Baptist Union of New Zealand.

A key part of Baptist life is associating together. This happens at the local, regional, and national level. On this page you’ll find information about how you can get involved at each of these levels.

Regional Leaders are employed by the Regional Baptist Associations. They give pastoral support, facilitate cluster groups, and advise local churches and governance teams. See below for the details of each of the Regional Associations.

Northern Region

Associating across the most populated region of the country are 98 faith communities from Waiuku in the south up to Doubtless Bay and Kaitaia in the north.

Northern Website

Lower North Island Region

There are 52 faith communities in this region which spreads from Taranaki across to Hawkes Bay and down to Wellington City.

Lower North Island Website

Waikato Region

Working side by side in this region are 20 faith communities from Whitianga and Huntly down to Taumaruni.

Waikato Website

Upper South Region

The working together of 37 faith communities in this region is the combination of the Canterbury Westland Association and the Top of the South Association.

Upper South Website

Bay of Plenty & Eastland Region

This region has 20 faith communities working together along the eastern coastline and inland to Lake Taupō.

Bay of Plenty & Eastland Website

Otago & Southland Region

There are 12 faith communities that connect together in the lower part of the Mainland.

Otago & Southland Website

Ways we associate together

National Hui

Once a year, representatives from each of the 240 Baptist faith communities meet together in one place to worship, pray, kōrero/discuss, make key decisions, and fellowship together.

The annual national Baptist Hui is usually held in the first week of November and runs for three days and two nights. All Baptist churches are encouraged to attend our annual Hui by sending delegates from the membership, not just pastoral staff. There are seven great reasons people give for attending this annual event:

  1. We represent our local church in wider discussion and decision making.
  2. We engage with and get to know our national team including the national leader, support centre team and other national leaders.
  3. We get to know the focus and direction of a range of ministry areas including Arotahi (NZBMS) and Carey Baptist College.
  4. We meet other church leadership and members.
  5. We celebrate together key achievements and moments.
  6. We gain a feel for the direction of the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
  7. It’s the one time in the year when we get to be with others from the broader movement and learn from them.

For further information about Hui and to register, check after mid‑August.
Hui manager: Catharina Siraa | [email protected] | 021 225 3681

Regional Gatherings

The Regional Baptist Association boards host regional gatherings and an annual Regional Hui for the purpose of networking, telling stories of gospel renewal, and to unpack the national vision and how it might be outworked in their region. All Baptist leaders are expected to attend regional gatherings.

This process of working together with the board, regional leaders, youth, children and family coaches, and other local church leaders, builds a strong sense of being ‘in it together.’ And the friendships formed through such gatherings are incredibly helpful when we need advice, sharing resources, and prayer.

The Regional Hui is normally held in the middle of each year and usually follows this format:

  • Hosted by the regional leaders and boards
  • Similar format and content throughout the country
  • Two days and one night (the Otago/Southland Hui is usually two and a half days, and two nights)
  • Local overnight venue
  • A mix of spiritual reflection, inspiration, and leadership development
  • All pastoral, elders, and other staff are encouraged to attend

Dates for the Regional Hui and other regional gatherings will be emailed by your Regional Leader. They will also be available on the Association websites in the links above.

Local Clusters

Cluster groups meet from once a month to once a term, depending on the location.
Clusters are at the heart of forging good local relationships because they are the smallest and most regular of all the gatherings. All Baptist leaders are encouraged to attend a cluster group. They provide a place where you can share what is going on for you in your church context, learn a few new skills, and support each other in prayer. It’s the place where ‘iron gets to sharpen iron’.

Contact your Regional Leader for more information on how to join a cluster group.

Hamner Retreat

This retreat is held each year in Hanmer Springs in the first or second week of May. The focus is to enable pastors and leaders to seek direction, spiritual breakthrough, and refreshment in the presence of the Holy Spirit. It’s optional and open to all Baptist leaders in our whānau.

The Hanmer Retreat is hosted by Oxford Baptist Church. To find out more contact:
[email protected]

Baptist Registration

Registration is a way for Baptist pastors and leaders to communicate their commitment to professional development, self-care, and whānau engagement. It’s also is an agreement between you, your church or employing orgainsation, and the Baptist Union of New Zealand to recognise and respond to the call God has placed on you. Please note that registration is required if you wish to be included on the list of Baptist Marriage Celebrants. For more information on Baptist Registration click on the link below.

Baptist Registration | Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning

Baptist National Support Centre

The National Support Centre is here to help you! It’s located in Penrose, Auckland and has a range of staff who can offer support in various areas.

The Baptist Intranet is administered by the National Support Centre, and contains helpful resources on HR, property, health and safety, people protection and complaints, legal and finance, and Baptist policy and constitutional documentation.

Anyone who is leading or serving in a New Zealand Baptist church can apply for access to the intranet. If you don’t have an intranet login, email Sushila on [email protected] for assistance.

Baptist Intranet

Arotahi (New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society)

Our Arotahi vision: every Baptist faith community in Aotearoa New Zealand committed to a people and place in a relationship of mutual gospel renewal.

Each person has been hand—carved specifically and intricately for God’s purposes in the world. The world is changing, and God wants to use every hand to be part of the global renewal. Arotahi will help you to walk wholeheartedly into the role that God has carved out for you, and your faith community, in the Missio Dei.

We will help you to recognise the unique charism of your faith community, form and strengthen your God-given particularities, and walk into mission alongside you. And—we have years of experience in global, cross-cultural contexts to back it up. We will guide and support you to form relationships with our global family, learning how to give and receive in mutual humility!


Carey Baptist College

Carey Baptist College is the theological training college serving the Baptist Churches of New Zealand as well as being one of Aotearoa’s leading providers of theological education generally. Their calling is to equip Christians to think, lead, and serve in ways that will advance God’s mission in this world. They specialise in training people preparing for pastoral and missional leadership (on-site or by distance), but also provide a range of training pathways for anyone wanting to grow in their faith and participate more fully in God’s work in renewing this world.

Carey also offer Pastoral Leadership (PL) and Youth Pastoral Leadership (YPL) training. The programme consists of a three year Diploma in Pastoral Leadership (which can also be done on-site or by distance). The PL and YPL tracks provide intentional development of biblical knowledge, spiritual life, self‑awareness, leadership skills and preaching. Experienced practictioners work alongside students, mentoring and supervising them through a personalised development track. All of the learning is constantly enhanced by peer group experiences where students support and encourage each other as they grow together in pastoral ministry.

Library membership is available on an annual basis with a discount for Baptist pastors. Many of the 30,000 titles are available as e-books, and hard copy books can be sent around the country.

Carey Baptist College

Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning

The Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning (CCLL) exists to support and resource the on-going professional development of both leaders and practitioners of ministry and mission. We aim to help sustain church and mission leaders with depth for longevity.

The Centre offers a range of resources and courses (in person and online) to enhance ministry.
The Centre manages the Baptist Registration process which is reviewed in November each year.

Centre for Lifelong Learning